Da Hama ad Al-Hamra in microbus. Poi, dopo un po’ di camminata, qualcuno si ferma a darmi un passaggio. La strada per il castello e’ cosi’:
Strada per il castello
Ed arrivo al castello, sul cui lato sinistro c’era la chiesa, tutt’ora in piedi:
Chiesa e castello
Fu eretto dall’imperatore bizantino Giustiniano nel sesto secolo.
La chiesa:
Chiesa bizantina
Questo e’ l’interno della chiesa:
Interno della chiesa
La vista dall’alto:
Vista dall'alto
From Hama to Al-Hamra by microbus. Then, after a while walking, someone stops to give me a lift. The road to the castle is like this:
Road to the castle
And I arrive at the castle, on whose left side was the church, still standing:
Church and castle
It was built by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian in the sixth century.
The church:
Byzantine church
This is inside the church:
Inside the church
View from the top:
View from the top