E questo cos’e'?

ottobre 14th, 2010 | Posted by dokk in Qui si mangia e si beve | Siria - (0 Comments)


It’s a mega sweet like macaroon, made of almond paste. Fluffy. Paid one-sixth of euro.

I’ve had breakfast. With two of these.

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ottobre 12th, 2010 | Posted by dokk in Siria - (0 Comments)

Mameluke minaret

Walking through Homs, the third biggest city in Syria, I run into a Christian church.

Christian church in Homs

Bust in the Christian church in Homs

After that I go to search for the Church of Our Lady.

Church of Our Lady

The legend says that a fragment of Virgin Mary’s belt was discovered in this church. It seems that the carbon 14 dating confirms the antiquity of it.

Fragment of Virgin Mary's belt

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