Castello del Saladino
In giornata da Lattakia vado a visitare la cittadella del Saladino.
<<Il castello venne costruito in tempi antichi, probabilmente durante il periodo fenicio (inizio del I millennio a.C.). Si dice che i fenici si siano sottomessi ad Alessandro Magno attorno al 334 a.C. Non si sa molto di quello che gli successe tra questo momento ed il ritorno dei bizantini nel X secolo. L’imperatore Giovanni I di Bisanzio prese il controllo del luogo rubandolo alla dinastia degli Hamdanidi di Aleppo, e costruì la prima delle strutture difensive. In seguito cadde in mano dei crociati verso l’inizio del XII secolo. Si dice che nel 1119 fosse proprietà di Roberto di Salerno che la ereditò da Ruggero di Salerno, principe di Antiochia. Buona parte della costruzione tuttora visibile risale a quel periodo. Le mura crociate vennero infrante dalle armate del leader mussulmano Saladino nel luglio 1188, ed è da questa vittoria che il castello prende il nome>>
Da Wikipedia
Una torre del castello
L'interno del castello
Le mura
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Saladin's castle
In a day-trip from Latakia I visit the Saladin’s castle.
<<The castle was built in ancient times, possibly during the Phoenician period (early first millennium BC). The Phoenicians are said to have surrendered it to Alexander the Great about 334 BC. According to legend, the Macedonian phalanxes had been unable to storm the castle even after a long siege. In despair, Alexander prayed at the local temple of Hercules (the Phoenician Melkarth). The following evening, Hercules appeared to Alexander in a vision and showed him the location of a nearby cave where his legendary club was hidden. Alexander sprung out of bed and sure enough, found the cave and the club where the vision had shown him. Next morning, Alexander lead a charge against the castle armed with Hercules’ club. The stone gates were no match for a demigod’s weapon, and thus the castle finally fell to the Macedonian conqueror. Not much is known about what happened to it between this period and the return of the Byzantines in the 10th century AD. Emperor John I Tzimiskes gained control of the place from the Aleppan Hamdanid dynasty, and built the first of its defensive structures. It then fell in the hands of the Crusaders at around the beginning of the 12th century. It is mentioned that in 1119 it was owned by Robert of Saone who was given control of it by Roger, Prince of Antioch. Most of what is evident today was built at this time. The fortress was notable as being one of the few which were not entrusted to the major military orders of the Hospitaller and the Templars.
The Crusader walls were breached by the armies of Muslim leader Salah ed-Din in July 1188, and it is from this victory that the castle takes its present name>>
From Wikipedia
A tower
Inside the castle
The walls
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